
  • Travel

    London Bound

    The rumors are true, I wrapped the Twilio Conference last week and I’m off to London today for an extended business trip to explore the technology market in the UK and beyond.  I hired Twilio’s first international employee — the incomparable Stevie Graham — over a month ago, and now its time to get back to where it all began for me and do some hands-on developer evangelism of my own.  We’re also hiring for a 2nd developer evangelist in Europe, so if you are local and interested please let me know (this is a job for locals, not U.S. expats).

    Last night we kicked things off with all thing stereotypically British: Jane Austen, the Beatles, everyone’s favorite Austen Powers quotes, and of course warm beer.  My friend David also tolerated an impromptu dinner for 16 of us at his restaurant Triptych, where we sat on the patio and enjoyed being “loud Americans” for the night, complete with party games I haven’t played since I was a kid (MBF, Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare).  It was quite a send off and I’m still recovering, but they tell me it is a good idea to break in my liver now.

    I have a whirlwind tour of events scheduled ranging throughout Western Europe, and some surprises too!  I am going to make every effort to blog frequently, share pictures, and voice my perspective on a startup community that is far by distance but ultimately shares the same goals (or so I assume).  I’m fortunate to have so many friends and acquaintances around the globe who are helping to make this trip possible on short notice and at reasonable cost, and I can’t wait to get started at The Future of Web Apps London starting on Monday.  Wish me luck!

    … Now if only I were packed!

  • Posts,  Travel

    What the Heck is This #OCON Thing?

    I’m going to be tweeting a bunch about something with the hashtag #OCON, and I know a lot of people are going to ask me what it is.  #OCON stands for Objectivist Summer Conference, and this year’s event is taking place at Red Rock Resort & Casino, about 30 minutes off of the Las Vegas strip.

    One of my less public, but very personally significant, interests is philosophy — and I’m particularly interested in the philosophy Objectivism, which was created by the late Ayn Rand.  You might remember her, she wrote the novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, which are required reading in a lot schools.

    I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the conference, the ideas discussed there, and other goodness tomorrow through July 10th.  I hope you’ll find some of it interesting, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  • Daily Life,  Travel

    Reflecting on “Stuff”

    As I make the move to the Bay Area, dealing with my “stuff” is a big thing.  Going from a 4,000 square foot house to a 10′ by 12′ room in a friend’s apartment has been an adjustment both physically and mentally.  But more interestingly, its lead me to reflect on all the stuff I have and what it really means to me.  This Paul Graham essay on Stuff from 2007 also resonates with me.

    The Story of My Stuff

    In 2004 I purged everything I owned except for what would fit into the Land Rover I bought, and moved to downtown Seattle.  That felt great, and being free of stuff also kept my mind free of clutter as I embarked on the beginning of my career.  While I was making $9 as an hour, I had no money for buying anything except for the occasional professional clothing item or meal out with a friend.  If I was spending money, it was on experiences.

    By 2006 I was making good money, and dating the man who would become my husband.  I had moved into a penthouse studio apartment and wanted to impress him (duh) with my taste, as well as enjoy the freedom of not having to conform to the tastes of a roommate.  Ikea furniture, books I had been storing at my parent’s house, kitchen utensils, clothes, SHOES… the “stuff” began to accumulate, and soon the studio was feeling pretty cramped.

    We got married in the summer of 2007 and moved into his bachelor pad, which had even less personal space than my studio.  The cheap Ikea furniture had to go and once again my personal style was subordinated to someone else’s idea of “home” – which at the time was uber-sparse and uber-expensive (and uber-masculine) urban chic.  I got rid of my car too, which was wonderful at first but later felt stifling, in favor of his Audi.  In all, from a materialistic point of view my entire lifestyle was upgraded when our possessions became shared.  All I really brought my ever-growing book collection, and enormous collection of designer shoes and fabulous clothes.  For two newlyweds, this was a lot of stuff to manage.

    So what did we do?  We bought a bigger container for our stuff, in the form of a 4,000 square foot house in the suburbs.  What started out as curiousity about what was on the market turning into me finding our dream house.  We moved in on Halloween 2007, a mere 3 months after getting married.  Our stuff began to expand again… we left all the furniture at the Seattle condo (we were renting it out) and took on a bunch of furniture from my parent’s house that they had been saving for us, as well as piano, 8 person dining room table, and new couches, bar stools, etc.  AHHH!  We were in stuff acquisition mode, shopping every weekend for stuff to make our not-so-little nest feel like a home.

    And then the economy tanked.

    I wish I could say that we’d been frugal with our acquisitions, but with Kevin’s job at Microsoft and my investments flying high we weren’t too concerned.  I was working for a startup, making a startup income, but we were still a two income household without anyone depending on us.  My walk in closet was stocked with fabulous outfits, I wore labels, and we threw dinner parties almost every week.  While the market crashed we were in Las Vegas, treating my little sister to a memorable 21st birthday.  Looking back, that was probably one of the best ways we spent money that year.

    Traveling Sets Me Free of My Stuff

    On Friday, I flew from SFO to Seattle with my most important “stuff”: my black Kate Spade purse, MacBook pro, iPhone, engagement ring and necklace my husband gave me for Valentine’s Day this year, my passport and some cash.  I could have flown anywhere in the world and started my life from that moment in time with the items in that bag.  That’s a pretty empowering thought, and lead me to think that the lack of “stuff” might be part of why people find travel so liberating – it certainly is for me.

    What I’ve Learned: Buy Experiences, Not Things

    Enabling great experiences and memories, shared with people I enjoy, is the most important leisure activity in my life.  My rule of thumb now is that my “stuff” needs to enhance or enable experiences in some way, or it isn’t valid.  Additionally, the more expensive the item (both in terms of money and amount of trouble I go to keeping it) it better generate lasting and repeat value.

    Another important thing I’ve learned is that owning expensive things is great, but only if you use them.  Each time you use them, its a part of the experience of owning something.  If you know me, you know that I have a thing for expensive leather purses and shoes, and that’s because when I use/wear them the luxury and stylishness of the items creates an experience for me personally.  I love that.  It’s the same for things like owning silver and china, or crystal.  Use it or give it to someone who will.

    10 Things I Need to Travel the World

    1. Internet (Sprint mifi)
    2. iPhone & charger (Apple)
    3. MacBook pro & charger (Apple)
    4. jeans & a t-shirt
    5. expensive & indestructible purse (Kate Spade)
    6. expensive & durable/comfortable shoes (Tory Burch)
    7. all-in-one makeup kit (Lancome, buy it at the airport)
    8. passport
    9. cash (or access to cash via ATM card)
    10. my wonderful husband Kevin
  • Travel,  Video

    Ignite WordCamp Boston Videos

    Want to watch one of the super-fast presentations, or weren’t able to make it last night?  Never fear, Flipcam HD to the rescue!  These are also on YouTube for your embedding pleasure.

    Getting the Moneyshot: Making Screencasts without Going Insane – by Danielle Morrill (me!)

    You Beta’ Test Your Plugins – by Michael Erlewine

    Turning WordPress Into a Social Media Monitoring Dashboard – by Kevin Palmer

    Yo Dawg I Heard You Like Publishing Platforms – by Eric Buth

    more coming soon, they are still uploading on the airport wifi…

  • Travel

    Wordcamp Boston is Tomorrow!

    Wow, this morning I woke up and I’d slept with the balcony door open in 80-degree weather in Miami Beach and now I’m in Boston, and there’s snow on the ground!  The joys of air travel, it’s just amazing.  ITEXPO was a good show, and I’m very happy with the launch of the 1st StartupCamp Telephony, where my company was the premier sponsor and two of our customers presented their startups – I’ll recap on all that soon.

    Outside my hotel room

    I haven’t been to Boston in almost 6 years, and it’s so cool to be right here next to all the geeky goodness of the MIT campus, Akamai, etc.  In fact, I’m checking on Gary’s Guide and Plancast right now to see if there are any tech/entrepreneur type events scheduled for tonight.  It would be fun to meet new people – I don’t know very many folks in this town at all.

    WordPress Boston Tomororw

    Tomorrow it’s all about WordPress.  We’ve got a Twilio WordPress plugin that I’ll be showing off, and then I’m speaking about screencasting at Ignite in the evening (right after the closing keynote).  I’m 2nd up, so I need to go watch some YouTube videos of previous presentations and do quite a bit of practicing to get the timing right.

    I’m not in love with my slides (quite a rush job) but I think I can compensate for them with great spoken content.  I’ve also been considering making a screencast on how to make screencasts – that way people can see how the entire process works if they like the talk.  If you like this idea, or think it would be useful, please drop a note in the comments.

    I’m sure there will be some video footage of the event coming from your’s truly soon.  See many of you tomorrow!  You can follow along with what’s going on using the #wcbos hashtag on Twitter search.